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These Ancient Words - Carnegie Hall

Considering Matthew Shepherd - Malverne High School

Mozart's Requiem - Lincoln Center

Mimosas and Acappella! - The Cutting Room

Homecoming - Carnegie Hall

The Pumpkin Singalong - Sakura Park

Sacred and Profane - Park Central Hotel/Lincoln Center

Sondheim Review - Roulette Intermedium

Martin Luther King Jr. Day Community Concert - Merkin Hall

The Smoke Show - Jalopy Theatre

Unconventional Wisdom - St. Paul's Chapel

A Vision of Light - Carnegie Hall

Sunrise Mass - Carnegie Hall

Let Us March On - Carnegie Hall

Windsongs - Lincoln Center

The King's Singers - Park Central Hotel/Carnegie Hall

The Seedling & the Animals - Milbank Chapel

Miami Fine Arts Academy Recital - Weill Recital hall

Welcome Yule: Sing Lullaby - St. Paul’s Episcopal Church

Bach Concerti - Good Shepherd-Faith Presbyterian Church

Idina Menzel - Central Park SummerStage

One World - Carnegie Hall

Music for the Human Spirit - Carnegie Hall

Community Singing - The NY Society for Ethical Culture

Songs Across Times and Borders - Weill Recital Hall

Twilight Mass (World Premiere) - Carnegie Hall

The Third Quadrennial Late Night Leap Day Bonanza! - 54 Below

Larchmont Music Academy Recitals - Weill Recital Hall

Total Vocal - Lincoln Center

International Championship of Collegiate A Cappella - Hofstra University

'Round Midnight Quartet - The Green Room 42

The Holiday Music of Heather Sorenson and Joe Martin - Lincoln Center

Piano Portals Gala - Weill Recital Hall

Buena Onda - Carnegie Hall

A Menagerie of Songs - Broadway Presbyterian Church

Rachmaninoff Variations - Weill Recital Hall

Sydney's Recital - Hofstra University

Perpetual Light - Park Central Hotel/Carnegie Hall

Mass In Blue - Park Central Hotel/Lincoln Center

Singers' Workshop - Teachers College, Columbia University

eVoco Voice Collective Spring Collection - Grace Episcopal Church

Duruflé and Lusitano - Union Theological Seminary

A Bach Christmas - Church of St. Luke in the Fields

Presidential Transition Protest Concert - St. Paul and St. Andrew United Methodist Church

Peace Seekers XI - Merkin Hall

Santiago High School Choirs and East Brunswick High School Orchestra - Lincoln Center

Vocal Colors - Lincoln Center

Alaria Chamber Ensemble Recitals - OPERA America

The McCrindle Concert - Carnegie Hall

Total Vocal - Carnegie Hall

Windsongs - Carnegie Hall

FreshStarts Recitals in NYC - Weill Recital hall

Community Singing - Broadway Presbyterian Church

Spring Concert for the Environment - The Riverside Theatre

Lux et Amor - Park Central Hotel/Carnegie Hall

Teachers College Choir Concert - Milbank Chapel

Handel's Messiah - Carnegie Hall

We Sing! We Rise! We Soar! - Carnegie Hall

Longing - Saint Ignatius of Antioch Episcopal Church